
康考迪亚核心 Curriculum is centered upon the liberal arts, the foundation and hallmark of Lutheran education. 在它的核心, 文科教育的目的是通过提供一套共同教育整个人的学科,为基督教公共服务的积极生活做好准备, leading to lives of virtue and strong character. A liberal arts education prepares you for 公民ship and, when paired with 十大正规赌博平台大全排行专业,为你提供了在当今充满活力的社会中生活和成功所必需的技能.


康考迪亚核心 Curriculum is a distinctive 本科的经验 that is at the heart of our Christ-centered intellectual community. We talk about values and Truth, 美与善, mercy and justice as we develop mature Christian students who will become responsible 公民s, 忠实的邻居, 有才华的员工. 这是通过有意强调文学和哲学的基础文本来实现的, an engagement with history and art, an exploration of the possibilities and limitations of science, and a knowledge of the Christian faith. In addition to these key foundations, students will acquire tools of analysis and persuasion, an understanding of the promises and shortcomings of humanity, 了解其他文化, and grapple with the necessities of self-government. Using the liberal arts (which can be loosely translated educating for freedom) as the foundation, Concordia’s Core Curriculum promises to provide students the knowledge, 技能, 这些习惯将使他们不仅在康考迪亚大学的日子里,而且在他们选择的专业上取得成功, but into their vocations after graduation as well.

This class excels at opening new students up to the act of critical thinking, 分析信息, 解决问题, 最重要的是,如何以改善人类为目标,尊重地讨论所有这些问题.

/ 肯考迪娅的学生

The six themes of the Concordia Core

康考迪亚核心 Curriculum is organized around six 核心主题. In taking this thematic instead of a more departmental approach, 核心旨在强调跨学科的联系或桥梁,同时重视学科内的知识. The six themes (and their descriptions) are:


In addressing these interdisciplinary themes, the Concordia Core is divided into two parts: the 康科迪亚公共核心 (18学分)和 文科维度 (27个学分).


康考迪亚共同核心 includes six classes unique to our University; two that focus on our relationship with God; two that focus on our relationship and understanding of the past; and two that focus on our relationship to the present and the future, as expressed to others and our world. 课程包括:


文科维度包括三个学分,来自神学系,必须在康考迪亚大学完成, 而剩下的八门课则分布在跨学科的核心主题中:社会和文化, Human Creativity and Expression, 自然世界, 人与为人, 沟通与语言. 学生 can choose courses relevant to their majors or based on their interests. These classes can potentially be satisfied through transfer credit, AP or CLEP exams,或通过 high school dual credit courses.

A 选择 of books read in the Common Core over the last few years:

  • 驱逐
  • 眼睛看不到的东西
  • 《十大正规赌博平台大全排行》
  • Structure of Scientific Revolutions – 选择
  • 〇科学哲学 选择
  • The Apology; The Crito – Plato
  • 忏悔录-第二册
  • 〇上帝之城 选择
  • 《十大正规赌博平台大全》 选择
  • 大学的理念 选择
  • 〇美国的民主主义 选择

我最喜欢这门课,因为它能把我的十大正规赌博平台大全排行和世俗的科学概念很好地联系起来. 它让我更深入地思考基督徒应该如何处理谈论科学和什么已经被证明是正确的/没有被证明是正确的.

/ 肯考迪娅的学生
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